Proper Care for Chrysanthemums

When you think of flowers in the Fall season – one of the most popular is the Chrysanthemum (or Mum for short). But, if you’ve ever purchased Chrysanthemums, you know that they aren’t the easiest plant to keep alive. Yet this stubborn Fall staple is almost a requirement to keep on your front doorstep or porch this time of year.


Although many people treat Mums as Fall annuals, they are actually fairly hardy perennials. Mums can come in a variety of colors including yellow, lavender, pink, purple, red, bronze, orange, and white.


So…what are you supposed to do to avoid the dreaded brown Mums that inevitably occur if not cared for properly? Instead of hoping that people just think your dead Mums are a scary Halloween decoration, proper care can result in beautiful, thriving mums! Just follow these simples tips:

Begin with Less Blooms: Mums that are covered in colorful blooms may provide instant gratification, but it’s better to purchase plants that haven’t fully flowered yet. Each of the mum’s bloom consists of tiny flowers called florets.

While it may be tempting to choose the plant with the most florets from your local nursery or garden shop, try to choose one with less blooms instead. This will help extend the life of your plant through the season and allow you to enjoy the flowers even longer!

Water Frequently: Although a very popular plant throughout our communities in the Fall, Mums actually do not like the hot southern heat here in the Lowcountry. That’s why it’s crucial to frequently water your mums, sometimes up to twice per day. If you notice the leaves are wilting on your mum plants, then spray a bit of water on the leaves to revive them.


Choose Partial Shade: Mums can technically tolerate full sun exposure, but it’s best to place them in a partially shaded spot. Try to place your mums on a covered porch or under the shade of a tree in your yard.

Select the Right Soils: Mums thrive in moist soil that drains easily. Make sure the pot they are planted in has drainage holes in the bottom to allow water to escape freely during watering. Mums do not like standing water and will quickly rot if left too wet. 

Pondering purchasing a Chrysanthemum? Come visit our experts at the Greenery Garden Center for more tips to keep your Chrysanthemums alive and thriving all season long.


Just lovely. The layout and variety of plants there is mind blowing. You must visit their hot house. The pitcher plant was my favorite. Staff was very knowledgeable and helpful. We are ordering plants to be sent to us at home.

R.A. Sinclair

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